I've finished creating the template for the color hot dog contraction printable. And here is what the finished version of the dog will look like. You can laminate the dog and use it to teach many different contractions. When you open up the dog you will be able to see the missing letters. Use to teach contractions This will be able to download as a part of my contraction unit. My next step? I need to create a lesson on contractions using the hot dog model. This hotdog contraction craft is going to be included in my contractions unit. I've made it available for a limited time free, you can download it by clicking on the link below. The idea for this craft is that you'll write the contraction on the dog, and the missing letters on the strip. You glue the strip to the dog and when you open the dog further you see the long form of the contraction. I'm going to have a larger color version of this craft available as well. The color one can be laminated and used over and over again. It can also be used as a guide for students so they understand what their complete dog will look like. After students have completed the craft they can be used to create a bullitin board, or gathered toghether to make a classroom contraction book. Please leave a comment letting me know how the craft turned out!
I've got a new free item ready to download on the Free Stuff Page. It's a poster to use when your teaching contractions. This poster is going to be a part of unit I'm creating on teaching contractions. Included in the unit are going to be crafts, bullitin board ideas, worksheets, activities, games, and of course this new poster. I'm still trying to decide what image to put in the left hand corner of the page. If you have any ideas let me know. Get students to expand their reading habits with the genre genius award. To get this award students need to read each of the genres in the genre wheel. By teaching genre you will help students decide what they like to read, and let them find new books they might not have read otherwise. A student who doesn't like reading just hasn't discovered there favorite book! Along with this awards you also get a graphic organizer that students can mark their progress. The graphic organizers has students color in a wedge for every book genre that they have read. You can also have them write the name of the book to let them have a record of their reading. My classroom job collection and job descriptions are now being advertised on squidoo. Visit this site to learn more about my classroom job clipart and to see other classroom management websites.
Classroom jobs Trixie is having an ever so exciting trip to the laundry mat. She's having so much fun that she dosen't realize that she left Knuffle Bunny her stuffed animal behind. Trixie tries to get her dad to realize whats wrong, the only problem is Trixie hasn't learned to talk yet. Children will love this story and parents will sympathize with the parents in this adorable story called Knuffle Bunny by Mo Williams. You can see the complete review of Knuffle Bunny on this Squidoo Lens. You can also purchase your own copy and see other books that were written by Mo Williams. Knuffle Bunny Website This package contains 47 phonics word wheels. With all of the wheels its the onset sound that changes. The wheels are organized by color according to with vowel is used. The design for the wheels is a monster holding a sign.
The word families that are included in the wheels are: ace, ack, ad, ade, ag, ail, ain, air, ake, all, ame, an, and, ank, ap, art, ash, at, ate, aw, ay, ed, ed, eep, ell, en, ent, est, et, ick, id, ight, ill, in, ing, ink, ip, it, ock, og, old, ook, op, ot, uck, ug, and y. These wheels can be used for a reading center or for independant work. They can be a fun and motivational way for students to practice their phonics. In the free preview you can download the ace word wheel for free. Remember, if you enjoy my products please vote for me. To buy the word wheels for $4.00. Click Below Phonics Word Wheels I'm almost finished with my collection of phonics word wheels. I'm putting a free sample online so I can get some feedback and suggestions. The free sample is the ace word familiy wheel. There isn't instructions yet, but all you need to do it print, cut (make sure you cut out the small box), and attach a brad to the center. Download the free sample and let me know what you think by leaving a comment. Ace Word Wheel Do you like the design? Let me know by leaving a comment.I've started a new project. I'm creating a collection of word wheels to help students learn phonics. I wish to create wheels that will be useful as a learning tool and at the same time be highly visually pleasing.
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April 2016