When I was reading the article however I got a great idea for a series on blog posts. So I'm going to write one blog post about each of the seven steps and hopefully give you resources, ideas, and activities for implementing that step in your spelling instruction program. So since this is the first day, I'm going to cover the first rule, Know the spelling rules.
Know the spelling rules
There are over one million words in the English language. How can anyone learn how to spell those words be memorizing them one at a time. | English spelling can seem chaotic or even random at times, for example consider the following words Wednesday (do you here a d in that word, because I sure don't), thumb, know, should, (there are lots of silent letters in English) and of course there are words that look the same like tear and tear that are spelled the same but sound completely different. Not withstanding these examples English spelling does follow some rules. Being able to understand the structure of English spelling can make spelling new and unfamiliar words seem less daunting. |
Common spelling rules
Spelling Rules WebsitesRiggs Institute - 28 rules for English spelling Reading from Scratch - Spelling rules Spelling it right | Spelling Rules books |