The strategies come out to spell the words "odd class." The strategies on the bookmark aren't in the order that you would want to go through them. For instance I would want my students to sound out a word before they go and look it up but I couldn't find an acronym that I liked better.
- Is the word on the word wall? Having a word wall is becoming more and more common in classrooms, but unless students know how to use them they are not going to be as effective a tool so much as a nice decoration.
- Try two different ways. Have students try to use different spelling patterns for the word.
- Does it look right? If it doesn't look right you should try to spell it another way.
- Can you think of a similar word? Is there any word that you know how to spell that sounds similar to the word that you want to spell? If there is, you can use that words pattern to help you spell the word that you want.
- Look it up - Get out a dictionary and find your word
- Ask a friend - See if a friend sitting close by you knows how to spell the word
- Sound the word out - Break the word apart into syllables and write down the sounds that you hear
- Spell Check - Get on the computer and type the word, if their is a wavy red line beneath the word it is spelled incorrectly.
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